Members of the swim team want to wash their hair. The bathroom has less than 560056005600 liters of water and at most 2.52.52, p
oint, 5 liters of shampoo. 70L+60S < 560070L+60S<560070, L, plus, 60, S, is less than, 5600 represents the number of long-haired members LLL and short-haired members SSS who can wash their hair with less than 560056005600 liters of water. 0.02L+0.01S \leq 2.50.02L+0.01S≤2.50, point, 02, L, plus, 0, point, 01, S, is less than or equal to, 2, point, 5 represents the number of long-haired members and short-haired members who can wash their hair with at most 2.52.52, point, 5 liters of shampoo. Does the bathroom have enough water and shampoo for 888 long-haired members and 777 short-haired members?