Answer: Crime leads to social injustice based on the discrimination that is prevalent in society. There is discrimination based on caste, religion, status and also power. … If the criminal is someone powerful or belongs to a higher class in the society then he misuses his power and money to get released.
A player with a positive attitude toward officials demonstrates <u>C. respect and acceptance</u>.
The correct option is C.
Respect is an act of treating someone or something in polite way. Treating the person in polite and respectable manner shows that the person is respecting others.
Acceptance is the act of accepting the ideas or things provided by someone.
The respect and acceptance are the basic habits of the person. These persons are said to be with positive attitude. It is important for every player to exhibit respect and acceptance towards their officials. Positive attitude enhances positive thinking in a person.
One example would be that it makes it easier to calculate very long numbers like understanding
How many zeros are in 3000000000000 would be more complex than just writing it as 3x10^12
The US only has a moral obligation to be involved with countries that it has alliances with since we made promises with them, and if we don't keep those promises the result will most likely be war
White settlers believed that they could buy land from American Indians because they believed that they could use the land more profitably than the Indians. Although they tried to buy, it raised a lot of conflict between the European settlers and the Indians.