Use (aluminum) foil to cover the food dish.
Work, study, family, there are many daily commitments. The ideal would be to prepare food every day, but sometimes we do not have time and we do like Susie, we prepare the food that we will have dinner for the next day. This is not a bad thing, but we must store these foods properly to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms. In the case of foods that will be consumed in a few days, like Susie who will consume the food prepared today, tomorrow; the ideal is to store the food in the refrigerator covered with aluminum foil.
Used extensively by those who cook, aluminum foil is more recommended to protect food in the refrigerator. If you want to freeze, know that aluminum foil resists for a short time. In this case, wrap the food with double leaves, press well and leave the shiny face in contact with it.