Which language is this in?
if (age<19||isfulltimestudent==true)
return true;
hardware and software is the answer
Differences between Object Oriented Programming and Structured Programming
1. Structured programming focuses on process/logic then data while OOP(Object Oriented programming) focuses on data.
2.OOP supports Inheritance,Encapsulation,Abstraction,Polymorphism while structured programming does not supports these.
3.Structured programming follows top-down approach while OOP follows bottom-up approach.
4.OOP is more secured than structured programming because it supports Abstraction (data hiding).
The answer should have been B, what was the answer?
Locating Useful Resources
When you chose a paper topic and determined your research questions, you conducted preliminary research to stimulate your thinking. Your research proposal included some general ideas for how to go about your research—for instance, interviewing an expert in the field or analyzing the content of popular magazines. You may even have identified a few potential sources. Now it is time to conduct a more focused, systematic search for informative primary and secondary sources.