Ideally, the experimental and control groups are identical. As much as possible, the two groups should overlap in every characteristic.
At the beginning of your study, you need your two groups to be as statistically similar as is humanly possible. That way, when you control for other variables, you can reasonably attribute any statistically significant differences at the end of the study to your intervention.
They will continue to diminish coastline and eventually coastline could disappear for japan
The female part of the flower is known as the CARPEL or pistil so the as would be D.
Answer:Ice melts when heat energy causes the molecules to move faster, breaking the hydrogen bonds between molecules to form liquid water. In the melting process, the water molecules actually absorb energy.
The Ray- Finned Fish has a bony skeleton just like crocodiles. Crocodiles evolved more and adapted to their environment. Along the way Crocodiles grew to have four limbs, were born from an amniotic egg, and then their eggs also have shells, unlike the Ray-finned fish. Therefore the three characteristics they do NOT have in common are: Four Limbs, Amniotic Egg, and Eggs with Shells. The one trait they do have in common is Bony Skeletons. They also both have vertebrae.