No actually the statement is false... Deciduous forest's can be found in many other places too
The SI unit of temperature is the Kelvin. Although the Celsius temperature scale is also used, it is considered a derived SI unit and is generally used to measure everyday temperatures.
The parent's genotypes are:
Ddpp - tall, white parent
ddPp - dwarf, purple parent.
This question involves two different genes coding for height and flower color in pea plants. The alleles for tallness (D) and purple color (P) are dominant over the alleles for dwarfness (d) and white color (p) respectively.
According to this question, a tall plant with white flowers is crossed with a dwarf plant with purple flowers to produce the following proportion of offsprings: 1/4 tall purple, 1/4 tall white, 1/4 dwarf purple, and 1/4 dwarf white.
Since some of the offsprings contain recessive alleles for both or either genes, the dominant traits of the parent is controlled by an heterozygous genotype. This means that the tall plant with white flowers has a genotype: Ddpp while the dwarf plant with purple flowers has the genotype: ddPp. In a cross between Ddpp × ddPp, 1/4 of each combination of alleles is produced in the offsprings (see punnet square in the attachment).
All moving water has energy is true
The correct answer is B. The parents are heterozygous with polka-dot tails, so they both have Pp genotype. The combination of their genotypes (Pp x Pp) could produce 4 genotypes PP, Pp, Pp and pp. Therefore, there is 25% chance for a PP genotype, 25% for a pp genotype and 50% for a Pp genotype. The PP and Pp genotypes produce a polka-dot tail phenotype and the pp genotype produces a solid coloured tail phenotype. In conclusion, there is 75% chance for a polka-dot tail (25% for a PP + 50% for a Pp) and a 25% for a solid coloured tail phenotype (25% for a pp).