Te ayuda a saber en que dirección necesitas ir, están marcados el norte, el sur, el este, y el oeste en la brujula.
Research has found that happiness may be influenced by some genetic factors. A person's base level of happiness when they are not intentionally trying to increase their happiness is called the what? - Set point
In 1919, the 19th Amendment passed the House of Representatives. By 1920, the Senate passed it and at least 2/3 of the states ratified it. This amendment stated that the right to vote cannot be denied because of a person's sex. It gave <u>women</u> the right to vote after an exhausting, arduous, and prolonged struggle for suffrage (the right to vote).
Based on the information above, the best answer choice is <u>D. Women</u>
The best answer to the true-or-false question which is '<span>High-context cultures emphasize nonverbal messages.' would be true. In high-context cultures, it is very minimal to emphasize on explaining or using a lot of words in order to communicate with one another.</span>