The judge called both parties in the lawsuit to meet in his chambers to discuss a settlement. Both Mr. Blackstone and Mr. Peters
arrived promptly at 12:00. When Mr. Blackstone walked in, he seemed impressed with the judge's furnishings. He gawked at the cherry executive desk and leather chairs. The bookcases behind the desk were filled with thick legal books on every subject. The large picture window looked over the parking lot. With a serious grimace, the judge welcomed the men and started to discuss the case. As it is used in the first sentence, the word chambers most nearly means A. house. B. office. C. restaurant. D. courtroom.
A judge's chambers is his office which is often attached by an adjoining door to his courtroom. The modern chambers of a trial judge, however, lacks the bookcases filled with thick legal books--they are no longer needed in light of computer research programs such as Westlaw or Lexis.
The state of Texas has placed caps on noneconomic damages in medical malpractice causes of action. This type of limitation on damages is.. infliction of emotional distress. The members of the City High soccer team have been training with Hanson, a personal trainer who charges by the hour, for several years.