Resistance because you will get tested on everything I think this will be the most important one yet.
Well say you have a dad and a mom and they have a son and a daughter the dad gets drunk and the mom can't control the dad and the dad goes to the kids room with a belt he takes his anger out on the son and daughter.He is abusing them which makes the boy and the girl a victim of Child Abuse (violence).
I hope I helped :) <3
Preoccupation with weight, food, calories, carbohydrates, fat grams, and dieting
Refusal to eat certain foods, progressing to restrictions against whole categories of food (e.g., no carbohydrates, etc.)
Appears uncomfortable eating around others
Food rituals (e.g. eats only a particular food or food group [e.g. condiments], excessive chewing, doesn’t allow foods to touch)
Skipping meals or taking small portions of food at regular meals
Any new practices with food or fad diets, including cutting out entire food groups (no sugar, no carbs, no dairy, vegetarianism/veganism)
Withdrawal from usual friends and activities
Frequent dieting
Extreme concern with body size and shape
Frequent checking in the mirror for perceived flaws in appearance
Extreme mood swings
-swapping soda for water
- ordering a salad
- using a smaller plate
-to skip dessert
-prepare some healthy for the meal so you have options