The garden of Eden is presented in Genesis 2 as the throne room and temple of God is a True statement.
The Garden of Eden or The Garden of God is a biblical garden which is mention in the books:
- The Book of Genesis
- The Book of Ezekiel
Many legends talk about the Garden of Eden being the place where the throne of God sits. The legends tell that God created a man, Adam and his companion, a woman, Eve, to begin the first cycle of mankind. The garden is the place where a man first had a fruit to eat.
One version says that The Garden of Eden is a host to three hundred ten worlds which are divided further into seven categories. One can become an inhabitant of these worlds on the basis of their merit. The other version says that the Garden of Eden is the place for its inhabitants to take a walk with the God.
Ovary is where the ovules develop into seeds when fertilized. It is from Latin and Greek meaning "little fruit." It is the lower part of the pistil. It is the part where the ovules change into fruit.
Answer:Dwelling housing units
Explanation:Dwelling housing units are multiple houses or units within one building in which several family members live in. It buildings that are contained in one complex , these building are built next to each other or top and bottom units.
Answer:Human Nature. As Mencius is known for the slogan “human nature is good,” Xunzi is known for its opposite, “human nature is bad.” Mencius viewed self-cultivation as developing natural tendencies within us.
These are the answers hope it helps