Here is what I found, I hope it helps
Gross Income contains all money you earn that is not expressly removed from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The part of your gross income which is currently subjected to taxes is Taxable Income. To arrive at the number of Taxable Income, expenses are deducted from gross income. For a year, your Gross Income applies to all your pre-tax earnings, while your Adjusted Gross Income is mostly smaller and refers to your income after tax deductions. I could not find the difference between Adjusted Gross Income and Taxable Income.
D. increase; decrease
When foreign imposes a tariff on import from home then there will be decreaing the import leading to a decreased demand of domestic currency by foreigners.
Therefore, domestic currency will depreciate and foreign currency will appreciate thus this action will lead to real home/Foreign rate to increase and will decrease the nominal home/foreign exchange rate.
A. True
For accepting the payment by credit card or by debit card, the online merchant i.e online seller by whom the individual buys the products online.
The online merchant has an agreement with the merchant account and the bank or financial institution so that the individual can able to pay the amount through online mode to the online merchant and in the same time, the amount is deducted from the individual bank account after placing the order
From the given variables, an outsider might be able to understand roughly 35% of the organization's culture.
Culture is ultimately a state of mind, a mode of perception and a collective conscious.
Symbols, Ceremonies, dress and other observable aspects of culture reflects a certain degree of the internal culture, yet to understand it full, it is vital to observe the human behavior and the inter relationships within the organization.
Moreover, the power distance between ranks, distribution of authority and responsibilities, reward systems, means of communication and organizational goals also influences the culture within a company. These aspects are difficult for an outsider to see as they do not stay inside and get exposed to the internal environment of the organization.
Both mutual funds and money market funds are similar in the sense that they pool money from several investors in a variety of instruments. The difference is that money market funds pool the money in very liquid, short-term securities, while mutual funds do the same but in less liquid, longer-term securities.
The 63-year-old neighbor should therefore split the money around 60/40, 60% of the funds for mutual funds, in order to have long-term security, and 40% in the money market funds, in order to have quick cash available when needed.