DNA is made out of Deoxyribose sugar, phosphate, and nucleotides
The transmission of an impulse is made possible first by electric signals propagating within a neuron. Then, at the end of the axon called a synapse, chemical substances called neurotransmitters get released to transmit the message. These neurotransmitters then attach to chemical receptors in the following neuron.
The littoral zone<span> is the part of a sea, lake or river that is close to the shore. In coastal environments the littoral zone extends from the </span>high water mark<span>, which is rarely inundated, to shoreline areas that are permanently submerged. It always includes this </span>intertidal zone<span> and is often used to mean the same as the intertidal zone. However, the meaning of "littoral zone" can extend well beyond the intertidal zone and that is you answer</span>
Have prominently segmented bodies...have jointed appendages
Si existe variación en el acervo genético de la población, esto permite que la selección natural actúe sobre los rasgos de la población que permiten la adaptación al ambiente cambiante. Cuanta más diversidad hay en una población, mayor es la probabilidad de que la población pueda adaptarse a los nuevos cambios.