I assume my self to be a part of the ancient Harappan civilization.
One of the most ancient civilizations in the world was at its peak from 3500 bc to 2500 B.C. Though ancient it had many modern features like the specialisation of work, complex division in society, and flourished trade and commerce. It had contacts with many distant civilizations like Mesopotamia, etc. To be a trader in that period reflects a chance of adventurous profession. Traveling distant land would have surely attracted me in the ancient phase.
A Town Meeting is when all the people in a district or town would get together to form a legislative body, and determine which laws and regulations will be in effect for the next 12 months. This was originated in the English colonies in New England. The first registered town to held these meetings was Windsor, Connecticut in 1633. There was even a fine for the citizen that didn't attend these meetings.
Hope this helps!
In both, the people get to decide a lot of the choices the govt makes
Political consultants use market research to help candidates understand micro-trends in the voting population that will allow the candidate specifically target those voters with messaging that will resonate.