The Neolithic Revolution, also called the Agrarian Revolution, was the change from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled, agrarian one with farming. Farming is more stable and secure and it gives people more time to engage in other activities, such as improving their tools and developing cultures: the Neolithic Revolution contributed to the technological development in the river valley civilizations by giving people time to improve on their technology.
A moral is a lesson or teaching about how to live or behave
Japanese Americans were put into concentration camps even if they were born in the USA due to suspicions of being spies and they were not treated very well.
it sets a limit on the number of times an individual is eligible to elected for President of the United States, and also sets additional eligibility conditions for presidents who succeed to the unexpired terms of their predecessors.
The development of writing allowed the memorization of laws, business transactions, records of account, including taxes, etc. It demonstrated the superiority of the written word over oral memory which can be faulty, or perhaps deliberately misstated. It was not by coincidence that the first writing was done on clay tablets which hardened, and it was thereby "written in stone," and could not be changed. It was there for all to see.