Answer key for quiz chose triangle sum theorem got it wrong at least we know that's not it
answer key for rest of quiz 1 CPCTC
2 6 cm
3 13 in
4 80 cm
5 wrong
6 40
7 26 m
8 4 in
9 9 cm
10 105
Culture trait : A culture trait is the learned system of beliefs, values, traditions, symbols and meanings that are passed from one generation to another within a specific community of people.
The least unit of culture is called the culture trait.
Hence the answer is FALSE.
John is a B.passionate criminal because he lies just for the heck of it. Hope i helped.
Read directions carefully. Eliminate as many options possible, select the best answer. Answer questions you know first. Go over exam again and answer hard questions next. If you have enough time left review the questions and answers again.