Lots and lots more than you think
a. Germany was attempting to plot with Mexico against the United States.
America's entry to war enhanced by a telegram deciphered by British cryptographers in 1917. The telegram was from German minister Arthur Zimmerman to the German ambassador to Mexico Heinrich von Eckardt and the message was to ally Mexico to attack the United States if the United States entered war from the side of Allies powers.
1. The San Andreas Fault in California
2. The mid Atlantic ridge
3. The Andes Mountains
4. A result of the collision between the indian plate and Eurasian plate.
5. Focills, glaciers, and complementary coastlines
C. It prevents flooding around the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.
Number 20 is Cutting Down large amount of trees i'm not sure of 19 but I think it is
either b or a But im pretty sure it is c and not sure of 18