Answer: Either A or D
Geologists and paleontologists constructed the geologic table based on the relative positions of different strata and fossils, and estimated the time scales based on studying rates of various kinds of weathering, erosion, sedimentation, and lithification.
The nurse<span> is </span>caring<span> for a </span>client<span> with a temperature of 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit. A health </span>care provider<span> prescribes 500 mg of an antibiotic intravenous While undergoing a soapsuds </span>enema, theclient reports abdominal<span> cramping.</span>
The three-step synthesis of trans-2-pentene from acetylene is as follows.
<u>Step -1:</u> Formation of higher order terminal alkyne on reaction with sodium acetylides with haloalkanes.
<u>Step -2:</u> Formation terminal alkyne to nonterminal alkynes.
<u>Step -3:</u> Formation of trans-pent - 2-pent-ene by reduction.
Synthesis of trans-pent-2-yne from ethyne takes place is mainly a three step synthesis which involves formation of higher order terminal alkyne on reaction with sodium acetylides with haloalkane. Second step involves the further alkylation of terminal alkynes to higher order nonterminal alkynes and the third step involves the formation of trans-2-ene by dissolving reduction method.
The chemical reaction of each step of chemical reactions is as follows.
Answer is: <span>A. Fracking reduces U.S. dependency on oil and gas from other countries..
Other answers are not bad side of fracking.
</span>Fracking is technique in which rock is fractured by a pressurized liquid and is used in <span>to create cracks in the rock formations through which </span>natural gas<span>, </span>petroleum<span> will flow more freely.</span>