indian national congress was formed to draw the attention of the british to the Indian's struggles
It was formed by A.O Hume , a retired ICS officer in 1885
Muslim league was formed to separate Muslim-majority nation-state, Pakistan, successfully led to the partition of India in 1947 by the British Empire.
- On average, a member of the U.S. House currently represents 710,000 residents.
- Shifts in population may result in a gain, loss, or maintenance in the number of representatives allocated to a particular state.
The United States Congress is the federal body responsible for the legislative power of the country, that is, it is through this organ that all laws in force in the country were established, debated, voted, edited and approved. The congress is divided into two legislative chambers the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has more significant power within the Congress, although the House of Representatives has less power, it is this chamber that represents the residents of each American state. Currently (2019), on average, a US House member represents 710,000 residents. In addition, changes in population may result in gain, loss or maintenance in the number of representatives allocated in a specific state.
The supreme court introduced a two-part test, known as the "Sherbert" test (or balancing test) to determine whether the government was violating an individual's "free exercise" of religion.
The Sherbert test guarantees that government doesn't take unjustified activities that obstruct a man's religious flexibility. The United States court framework has embraced the Sherbert test to decide whether the legislature has fittingly allowed or denied joblessness benefits in light of the job one's religion had in his or her job loss.
The test causes the courts to decide whether the individual's case of having a true religious conviction is exact and if the administration's activities load a man's capacity to follow up on his or her convictions. Moreover, the test requires the administration to decide whether it has acted to the state's advantage and on the off chance that it has done as such in a way that is slightest prohibitive to a man's religion.
Well I can be grateful? I mean I’m healthy and that is something you should take for granted
Answer and Explanation:
Comencemos con el analisis del tema de la historia:
<em>El planeta en un futuro cambiante a consecuencia del cambio climatico</em>. Este tema no es solamente interesante sino que es sumamente importante tanto para la ciencia como para todos los seres vivos ya que todos somos afectados por este fenomeno y sus consecuencias.
Sin embargo, la estructura tiene algunas fallas: carece de fluidez. Ademas, hace falta una mejora en la gramatica y el formato del texto. Yo escribiria, por ejemplo: <em>El planeta Tierra en el año 2056 se caracteriza por exhibir las importantes consecuencias del cambio climatico, ya que su impacto fue enorme y devastador. La contaminacion y la sobreexplotacion de recursos ocasiono un gran daño a la capa de ozono. Esto llevo a numerosas regiones a sufrir sequias y a otras, a sufrir fuertes tormentas, inundaciones y olas de calor extremas, acabando con una gran proporcion de poblaciones humanas y de vida silvestre.</em>
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Para finalizar la historia, tendria mas sentido si incluyera mas detalles como: <em>Prepararon un plan para evacuar el planeta con los sobrevivientes</em> - ¿Evacuar hacia que otro planeta?... <em>Construyeron una nave que viaja a la velocidad de la luz</em> - ¿Cuales son los beneficios?
<em>Nota: No me es posible colocar acentos en la respuesta.</em>