Kimball Peak Janie took one step, then another, then another. Her legs shook as her sneakers dug Into the hard-packed earth of K
imball Peak. It wasn't a mountain peak, but it was the biggest hill in all of Tuckahoe. The older kids, like Janie's brother Tyler, could easily climb it. Janie had tried many times, but never made it farther than halfway before she had to turn around, defeated. She Jabbed her toes into the soll-again, again, again. Finally, Janie stood atop the hilll As she threw her hands to the sky, Janie hoped the entire town could see her. :The Race These passages share the theme that hard work can lead to feelings of self-satisfaction. Which action of the main characters helps readers understand the theme? 01. winning a race 2. encouraging others 3. practicing to improve their skills 0 4. extending their hands in the air