The 8th Stage known as Integrity Vs Despair of Erikson's stages of Psychological development is being addressed here.
Ego psychologist, Erik Erikson coined the theory of psychological development. His theory iterated that our personality is developed at certain stages of an individual. The social experiences an individual has throughout his life contribute to the growth of an individual. The theory proposed 8 stages of psychological development.
Anne is in the 8th stage of psychological development. It is the last stage and concentrates on individuals who are in their old age. In this stage, individuals reflect on the life that they have lived, the decisions they have made, their outcomes and how all of it has turned out for them in the end. One of two types of feelings will be present at the end of overall recollection of the life. People who realize that they have regrets about things they have done or not done will feel despair. As for the others who are content with what they have done and achieved in their lives will feel a sense of integrity.
Non-participant observation
Patti does an observation type study. These types of studies can be divided into two groups: participant and non-participant observation.
As Patti wants to be unnoticed by the children, she is using the non-participant approach to studying. Here, the researcher does not form a part of a group and/or even becomes a member of it but deliberately stays apart from it. His main goal is to observe the behavior of such a group in a natural setting and without interfering himself.
When we say emotional readiness, this is when you gain understanding of the given practices and development that will contribute to a positive outcome. This includes education and proper support. Why emotional readiness is necessary for good parenting because this will help the parents know on what and what not to do as they raise their children. Emotional readiness would also allow the parents on how they can keep tract and support their children's needs and development.
In terms of peer status, Aiden is a rejected child. A youngster who is excluded and despised by his or her classmates is referred to as a "rejected child." One of the five categories of sociometric, or peer, statuses, which classify a child's social standing based on how peers react to them, includes rejected children.
Children who have been rejected frequently exhibit aggression or anxiety and withdrawal. Adults need to take the time to decide if rejection-related behaviors are the cause or the outcome of the rejection in either scenario.
Physical, verbal, and/or social hostility are frequent tactics used by aggressive, rejected kids towards their peers. This violent behavior may have its roots in some or all peer rejection in the past. Sadly, the violence itself then causes lengthy and constant rejection.
Learn more about rejected child here: