By giving the dog 2 or more different dog foods and seeing what one he eats the must of and the variables u control is how much you give the dog and the hypothesis is if I give the dog two or more different kinds of dog food than we will see what one he/she like the most
Physical and Chemical Properties of Milk Milk is a white or yellow-white, opaque liquid. The color is influenced by scattering and absorp... Specific gravity of milk. Density is the weight of a substance per unit of volume, while specific gravity is the ratio between the density of the substance and that o...
More/ Alot? I think is what you are looking for?
It will definitely have some but I'm not sure on what word you are looking for.
For this we have to keep in mind that we have a <u>specific relationship between the nitrogen bases</u>:
-) <u>When we have a T (thymine) we will have a bond with A (adenine) and viceversa</u>.
-) <u>When we have C (Cytosine) we will have a bond with G (Guanine) and viceversa</u>.
Therefore if we have: TACCGGAT. We have to put the corresponding nitrogen base, so:
I hope it helps!