z scores are useful because they:a. allow us to convert raw scores to mean scores, compare scores from different samples, and tr
ansform populations into samples.b. transform linear scores into nonlinear scores, convert nonlinear scores back into linear scores, and allow us to obtain comparisons between nonlinear and linear scores.c. give us an understanding of where a score falls in relation to the mean of its underlying population, allow comparisons to be made between scores from different distributions, and permit the transformation of z scores into percentiles.d. reduce the probability of Type I and Type II errors, allow us to compare raw scores with standard scores, and permit the transformation of raw scores into percentiles.
they give us a sense of where a score falls in relation to the mean of its population (in terms of standard deviation of its population), 2) they allow us to compare scores from different distributions, and 3) they can be transformed into percentiles.