<span>The main trade-off that all investors must consider is Risk vs Return
In the end, all the techniques that implemented in investing process is aimed for nothing other than profit.
Current market trend dictates that potential return tend to be higher the riskier the investment is and vice versa.
<u>Rise of Twitter:</u>
On every sport telecast ESPN create a twitter accountants raise a sport questions related to sport telecasted. Base of sport interested person answer queries or questions so automatically incorporated to sport center
<u>Cable subscriptions:</u>
Since ESPN been telecasted through air with customer login with minimum subscription fees so end user easily login n watch the match online and live telecast. Moreover end user can watch old or missed match from archive library on its own time.
ESPN is subscription channel are also available as bundle option in hot star amazon prime video.
<u>ESPN upgrade</u>:
ESPN telecast match on season basic such as football, cricket extra. ESPN very frequently upgrade the match schedule and old archives. Sports person interviews n performance of software also is upgraded to end users.
I think A Bluetooth receiver is causing the smartphone to over heat
plan numerous intermediate short-term goals.