Homonymous Hemianopia
Homonymous Hemianopia is a medical condition that make a person experience a loss of vision on on the same side of both eyes. But, they personally unaware of this loss. In their own perspective, their vision is completely normal. This is why Ricardo might not aware that he is only drawing the left side of the cat.
This condition typically occurs when their brain is experiencing some sort of damage within the visual pathways. Typically, the damage can occurs when people are experiencing either stroke, trauma from some sort of collision, after math of brain surgery, or even tumor.
The battle of saratoga, the 2nd battle of Ticonderoga, and battle of bound brook.
The fact that a written constitution is difficult to amend is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. Written constitution are mostly rigid, with cumbersome amendment procedure, which leads to the problem of how to easily amend it to make it suit changing needs and time.
CONSTITUTION IS the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it. b : a written instrument embodying the rules of a political or social organization.
The himalayas divide china from the middle east
So the type of democracy that engaged a door to door petition trying to get enough signatures for a proposal to be voted on by citizens is called Recall. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more if you have clarifications and questions.