Write out your birthday in the following format: M/DD/YY. For example, if your birthday is on June 11, 2013, it would be written as 6/11/13.
2. Convert the birthday date to binary format. Using our same example from above, 6/11/13 translated into binary code would be: 110/1011/1101.
3. Select one color of bead to represent “0”, a second color to represent “1” and then the third color to represent a space (/) between the numbers.
4. Layout the beads to represent your birthdate in binary code. Don’t forget the third color for the spaces in between the numbers!
5. Once laid out, string all the beads on to the string or pipe cleaner.
6. Tie a knot around the ends and enjoy your one-of-a kind masterpiece as a piece of jewelry or a bag tag….the options are endless!
Adding to the one above,
Keep food or drinks away from the camera
For this model, aesthetics is defined as a measure of how attractive a product appears, and ergonomics is how well a product feels when used/held. ... Two important types of defects, part flash and crush, will be used to define ergonomic and aesthetic PA's, respectively.
c. Install a proxy server
In computing a proxy server is implemented as a middle 'man' between the user and the internet. It will hence behave as a gateway that will seperate users from the websites that they browse. The major importance of a proxy server is enforcing security, however it can also act as a web filter allowing organizations to restrict access to certain websites. So when an organization or a school wishes to prevent access to certain sites a proxy server will be implemented, in the question scenario this web filter feature can be used to save cost associated with visiting sites not relevant to the organization's objectives