Long-term physical activity can help to reduce your heart rate through its response to exercise: an increased stroke volume leads to a lower stress response and therefore less cortisol is produced, allowing for a more homeostatic environment for the lymphatic system.
try and condition before (your not gonna be able to run a 6 minute mile at first) drink alot of water, get sleep, and eat healthy. I am a cross country runner so I should know.
when you have cancer in the brain it's literally known as brain and neck cancers or the most common brain tumors are known as gliomas
Either an alcohol or drug use problem or a mental health issue may come first. If you have a mental health issue, you may use alcohol or drugs to try to feel better. Or a substance use problem may lead to mental health symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or rage. For some individuals a substance use problem and mental health issue start at the same time, triggered by the same factor; for others they start separately.
They will start seperatly