Answer: A loop will continue running until the defined condition returns false . ... You can type js for , js while or js do while to get more info on any of these. ... initialization - Run before the first execution on the loop. ... But it can be used to decrement a counter too. statement - Code to be repeated in the loop.
Technical skills is when you are advanced or know lots in Electronics. You are able to diagnose problems and fix them. They help in the computer field so much because they help fix everything if no one had these skills we wouldn’t be able to even use brainly
In opp friend function is a function that gives the same access to private and protected data. It is declared in class that is granting access.
using namespace std;
class Sum
int a, b, add;
void input()
cout << "Enter the value of l and m:";
cin >> l>>m; taking input from users
friend void add(sum &t);
void display()
cout << "The sum is :" << z;
void add(sum & p)
p.add = p.a + p.b;
int main()
sum p1;
return false;
return true; //true is returned if sum is equal to 5
else //if they are not the same
return false;
You maybe spelled something incorrect