Because humans have five senses: feel, see, taste, hear, and smell. When you step on a nail you basically going to feel it and you brain can sense that and it can trigger nerves which can cause pain.
Some of the most common conditions that involve inflammation of any part of the heart would be Myocarditis (heart muscles), Pericarditis (surroundings of the heart), and Endocarditis (inner lining)
The right answer is Joints (or ligaments more precisely).
Muscle is the contractile structure that produces strength. It has components that allow it to be shortened to create what is called a muscle contraction.
The joint is junction of two parts of the skeleton allowing them relative mobility.
The ligament is an elastic structure that stabilizes the joints. It therefore attaches from one bone to another.
Where I am right now, spring is past. It's winter time. I'm freezing. lol.