See how many times the denominator goes into the numerator. For example, with 24/8, 8 goes into 24 three times, so 24/8 is 3. If I had 25/8, then it would be 3 1/8 because you have one left over after you divide the 8 into 25.
i'm not sure how to help with the second thing, but for what looks like a quizzes, i think it should be 186
Can't see the table but direct variation is: y = kx
So if the output is some constant multiple which could be positive, negative or fraction then yes it is direct variation. So just divide a couple y/x = k to see what you get.
y = 20
Step-by-step explanation:
If this is right, then please make it the brainliest.
x = -7/4, 3
Step-by-step explanation:
Use quadratic formula