Some of the contracts include;
Land-contracts related to land sale, mortgage and purchasing real estate must be in writing.
other contracts include,contracts to be responsible for someone else's debt,contracts last more than a year,sales of goods in excess of $500.
Have good goals for yourself. Let your brain know that you need to do this or that. To help you you can volunteer at local soup kitchens or do a service project.
Conflict arose because Arabs thought the British had promised them Palestine with the McMahon Agreement and Jews thought the British had promised them Palestine as a homeland with the Balfour Declaration. The Mandate System was created when the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919.
The number of Americans who identify as Christian or Christian affiliated are going down. The number of people who identify as being unaffiliated or who identify as different religions are going up. This is particularly happening in places with a large density of people, like big cities. Another place this is happening with is Utah and the large density of Mormons, which are decreasing heavily.