The abdominal muscles
Explanation: The abdominal muscles are located between the ribs and the pelvis on the front of the body. The abdominal muscles support the trunk, allow movement and hold organs in place by regulating internal abdominal pressure.
B is an impulsive child-like part of the psyche that only takes into account what it wants and operates on the pleasure principle.
ID "id is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains s xual and aggressive drives and hidden memories" - Simply Psychology
won't let me type the word lol
The correct answer is C
The literature recommends 8 hours of sleep daily, there is no evidence that it shows benefits in less time, what happens when this is altered, is modification of the circadian cycle, which causes harmful neuroimmunohumoral changes.
It would actually be flag football because it it makes many people have muscle problems and headaches.