Erosion is the breakdown of anything. Like for example rock erosion is when the water keeps hitting the rock over and over until then the rock sarts to breakdown.
<u>During </u><u>latent </u><u>phase of a muscle twitch chemical changes such as the release of calicum are according intracelluary as rthe muscles prepare for contractrion.</u>
What are the phases of a twitch contraction?
- A single contraction is called a twitch. A muscle twitch has a latent period, a contraction phase, and a relaxation phase.
- A graded muscle response allows variation in muscle tension.
What is a latent period ?
The amount of time that passes between an action potential being generated in a muscle cell and the beginning of muscular contraction.
What is a muscle twitch?
- The fundamental reaction of a motor unit to a single stimulus is a muscle twitch. Muscle Twitch in three different states .
- Excitation of the muscle fiber takes place during the latent phase, and calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cell's cytoplasm.
What happens during latent period of muscle twitch?
- A single muscle twitch consists of three parts. the contraction phase, the relaxation phase, and the latent period, often known as the lag phase.
- The action potential reaches the muscle, and the latent period is the brief (1-2 msec) interval before tension is seen in the muscle.
Learn more about latent period
Una parte fundamental de la homeostasis es la transferencia y la ingesta de moléculas (sea necesario o no). Es importante que la célula pueda llevar los nutrientes necesarios inmediatamente donde los necesita y poder deshacerse de los subproductos dañinos del proceso celular. Es igualmente importante poder regular la concentración de agua. Las células más pequeñas tienen una superficie más grande en relación con su volumen (su superficie se escala con R ^ 2 mientras que su volumen con R ^ 3 donde R es el radio de una célula) y, por lo tanto, los intercambios a lo largo de la membrana celular se ven favorecidos en comparación con las células más grandes que necesitan muchos intercambios pero tienen proporcionalmente menos área de membranas. Si bien A no es necesariamente cierto, C es definitivamente cierto y, por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta.
An age-related change in the nervous system that can adversely affect nutritional status is decreased taste perception, hearing loss and vision loss. Aging refers to a multidimensional process in humans, the process of physical, and psychological, and social changes. As a population, older adults are more prone to age-related diseases, functional impairment, and physical inability that nay interfere with the maintenance of a good nutritional status.