The Silk road is a rode between ancient Rome and ancient China. Any road that traders took from and to these two places was called the silk road. If you need help writing a paper, here is a college essay on the silk road. This should help:
The County System of Units supported segregation through laws that promoted the condition of being separated from races that, according to them, were considered inferior to white; creating divided common spaces for the different groups of races, which were classified according to their ancestry, social and economic.
D. By including details and statistics
All of these played important roles!
The mining industry enabled the excavation of many important and precious minerals which wre later used in differetn technological applciations.
The railroads increased the speed by which things were being transmitted.
The cattle business enabled people to sustain themselves through food.
The homestead act enabled people to become self-sufficient.
A subject participates in a study in which he has to first identify the object and then mentally rotate the object 180 degrees. The subject is unable to correctly rotate the object 180 degrees. This subject probably has damage to the temporal region of the brain.