Unlike the first two books in the series, which kept readers engaged through tortuous and suspenseful plots, the story in the third book was less than compelling and the <u>denouement</u> was predictable.
The denouement of the story is the ending. it is the factor wherein all conflicts had been resolved and leave the reader with closure. Denouement at once follows the climax and falling movement of a story. now and again, it can be mixed with the climax, even though most customarily it takes place after an occasion.
for instance, the denouement of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet comes just after Romeo and Juliet take their own lives. when the households locate their useless bodies, Escalus explains that their deaths are a result of the family feud, leaving members of both aspects to feel responsible. that is the denouement.
In literary paintings, denouement is the decision of a plot that occurs after its climax. The denouement isn't a literary method; as an alternative, it is one of the numerous literary phrases that describe a plotted warfare's unfolding and backbone.
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Answer: You will need to draw up an Articles of Incorporation (usually one page), issue shares, appoint corporate officers and a board of directors, establish a registered address, appoint a registered agent and pay a filing fee.
Answer: Allied bombing raids destroyed many German jets while the jets were still on the ground.
B) the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself
When Santiago expresses regret about leaving Fatima to seek his Personal Legend, the alchemist offers this advice. The alchemist claims here that fear causes suffering, and that if someone is aware of their Personal Legend, refusing to follow it would lead them to suffer even more.
1. One instance when D(ata), an android, appeared to exhibit emotion was when he was faced with the conflict of whether or not he should tell D(r.) J(uliana) T(anner) she wasn't human. He had a conflict of emotions and appeared to be experiencing empathy when he was told he could take away from J(uliana) what he had been wanting his whole life: to be human. In this case, it would have been okay if robots could feel and express emotion. However robots with emotions would be a negative advancement because there is a risk that if they experienced anger and that they would react dangerously, L(ore) is a good example.
2. I think that D(ata) made the right choice when he let D(r.) J(uliana) T(anner) continue to believe that she was human. Since D(ata) had always wanted to be human, I think he would have taken away from his mother the gift he wasn't given.
3. Though she demonstrates human traits, Dr. J(uliana) T(anner) still falls short of achieving humanity. One reason is that D(ata) knew that she wan't human before her identity was discovered by anyone else. This proves that she wasn't human enough, she still had some non-human flaws. Even if D(r.) N(oonien) S(oong) had made her without any flaws that could be detected at all, she still wouldn't have been human enough though. This was proved when she jumped of the cliff and hit her head. It cracked open revealing her true nature, and nobody would be able to look at her again without remembering that she was an android.
Brainly won't let people use names, so I had to improvise