Terminating decimals firstly are decimals that finish...
To transfer 19/25 to a decimal we have to get it out of 100.
To do this, multiply 19 by 4, and 25 by 4.
This gives you 76/100.
From here you can easily see the decimal is 0.76.
= 0.76
Speed: 30mi/sec
Seconds in one minute: 60
Seconds in 6 minute: 60 x 6 = 360 seconds
take the speed of 30miles / seconds and times it with 360, and you get a total distant traveled: 10800 miles
the answer . is 2y
Step-by-step explanation:
combine like terms
1/2 + 9/20 = 19/20
1/20 + 1/10 = 3/20
1/8 + 11/16 = 13/16
2/9 + 5/9 = 7/9
3/20 + 3/4 = 18/20 = 9/10
7/17 + 1/17 = 8/17
To solve for how many miles Rachel jogged if she jogged a 1/4 mile trail 8 times, we simply need to multiply the distance she ran each time by the amount of times she ran it.
1/4 * 8 = 2
Rachel jogged 2 miles.
Hope that helped =)