Answer: Gadsden Purchase, 1853–1854. ... Gadsden's Purchase provided the land necessary for a southern transcontinental railroad and attempted to resolve conflicts that lingered after the Mexican-American War .
Scottdale Mark Brainliest
Persia's standing army was an important factor in Persia's rapid growth because of the elite soldiers within the standing army. They were known as the "Immortals" and tasked to maintain order from within and the outside.
Informed Consent
Informed consent under APA guidelines addresses the need for all participants to know before hand what their participation will involve and what risks might develop. The guideline also states that the participants also retain the right to withdraw from the study before or after informed consent, at any time and for any reason.
The best answer to the question: If they did not care about any future relationship they might have, had lots of money, and just wanted to prove they were right, they should:___, would be: Litigate.
Litigation is defined precisely as a legal contest, an argmentation that is taken usually before the courts, in order to settle a matter that is being argued upon, by two or more sides. However, the process of litigation requires more than just two people arguing; it requires lawyers, and judicial processes, which are pretty expensive. Aria and Rick wish to establish if either of them breached a contract and since neither is going to give in and accept that the other might be right, if they had the necessary money, and did not fear that a future relationship between them might be damaged due to such proceedings, then they would choose litigation as their means of solving the issue and proving they were right.