Pia mater
Three meninges cover the brain and spinal cord. Pia mater refers to the deepest meninx of the brain. It is a thin delicate layer of connective tissue. It is a transparent connective tissue layer like that of cellophane. Being a transparent and thin tissue layer, it looks like a cellophane wrap adhered to the surface of the brain.
social anxiety disorder
social anxiety disorder is the fear of being judged by people or negatively assessing them, or rejected in a social situation
It’s b chromosomes because the cell nucleus contains the majority of cells genetic material in the form of multiple linear DNA molecules
Lateralization is a process of studying the split functions of the brain hemispheres. The most common test used for testing lateralization is obtained from sodium amytal studies. In this study a barbiturate or a sedative is injected into the carotid artery either left or the right artery. So, till the time the barbiturate hampers the functioning of any hemisphere, the functions associated with that hemisphere also gets hampered or are sustained for a while. This technique is of invasive nature
A. is your correct answer