Troposphere – This is the densest layer and where weather events occur
Stratosphere – This is where the ozone layer is found. Some high altitude aircraft cruise in this layer.
Mesosphere – Temperatures drop with altitude in this layer
Thermosphere – This is where most of the meteorites that enter the earth’s atmosphere burn up. This layer takes up most of the Uv and X-rays from the sun. Most satellites orbiting earth are in this layer
Exosphere – almost akin to space due to the thinness of the layer. Molecules in the layer often escape into space
A ‘pause’ is a transition between the above-mentioned distinct layers. The tropopause, for example, occurs between the troposphere and the stratosphere and the stratopause between the stratosphere and mesosphere and thermopause is found between thermosphere and exosphere.
A temperature inversion is a rise in temperatures with altitude in a layer in the atmosphere. One layer exhibiting temperature inversion is the stratosphere. This is due to the ozone layer that absorbs UV light. The upper ozone absorbs most of the UV light, than lower ozone, exciting the molecules and making the higher altitudes in the layer to be warmer.
The ozone layer protects life on earth from the high energy UV radiation from the sun. UV is capable of causing double-stranded break on DNA resulting in genetic mutations on organisms. Most of these would be lethal. The Ozone absorbs most of the UV before it reaches earth's surface. Ozone is formed when an oxygen molecule reacts with another oxygen atom to form an O₃. The oxygen atoms are made from the splitting of an oxygen molecule by UV light.
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The eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea that live in and on the human body are called normal microbiota. When they were originally discovered, scientists thought that the relationship between these organisms was parasitic because they thought that the organisms benefit from living on the host but did not help the host. In recent years, researchers have determined that most of our resident microbes derive and give benefit to the host. This makes the relationship between host and microbe one of mutualism. Pathogenic, on the other hand, are microbes that cause diseases.
The forearm of birds, reptiles, and humans illustrates a homologous body structure.
- Similar physical characteristics found in species with a shared origin are known as homologous structures, although these characteristics have entirely different biological purposes.
- The limbs of humans, cats, whales, and bats are examples of homologous structures.
- All of these structures—arm, leg, flipper, and wing—are supported by the same type of bone structure.
- The arms of a person and the wings of a bat are excellent examples of homologous structures. Because both bats and people are mammals, they have a common ancestor.
- Even though they appear considerably different from one another from the outside, a bat's wing and a human arm have remarkably comparable internal bone structures.
- Wings help bats fly, whereas arms enable human interaction with their environment. The wing and the arm also have various purposes.
learn more about homologous structures here: brainly.com/question/7904813
Answer: pretty sure they create islands.
Explanation: since they start underwater, they cool off and make islands? That’s what I remember.
A student who has been shrunk to a size small enough to be inserted into the interior of a chloroplast, who then travels out into the cytosol, will have passed through two plasmatic membranes.
The student in question is placed in the interior of a chloroplast. The anatomy of a chloroplast, in broad terms, contains:
- Stroma
- Granum
- Inner membrane
- Outer membrane
These contents have been listed in order from the most interior to the most superficial. The question states that the student is placed in the granum, meaning that he is within the inner membrane. In order to escape into the cytosol, which lies just beyond the outer membrane, he must travel across two plasmatic membranes.
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