D. 1/7
Step-by-step explanation:
There are seven cans of paint and only one of them are white, so there's a 1/7 of a chance she'll paint her bedroom white.
0.785 m
Step-by-step explanation:
(4-2x)(6-2x)x = Volume
Volume = 4x³ - 20x² + 24x
Max volume: dV/dx = 0
dV/dx = 12x² - 40x + 24 = 0
3x² - 8x + 6 = 0
x = 2.54858377, 0.784749563
Max when d²V/dx² < 0
d²V/dx² = 6x - 8
At x = 0.784749563
6x - 8 = -3.29 < 0
If an atom has a let's say, +2 charge, it will mean that the atom has two more protons than electrons. Protons have +1 charges and electrons have -1 charges. So, said this, if you had one more proton than an electron, it would be a -1 charge. Because of this, if an atom had a +1 charge, it would have to have one more proton than electrons. So, the answer could be "the atom must have 22 electrons" but, the question is sort of vague? It could really be anything.
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