An investigator would like to do an internet-based college student survey to gather data regarding their behavior as well as drug use. Even so, specific identifications are still not gathered and IP addresses might be available in the set of data. Damage threat must be assessed both by the magnitude (or severity) and the likelihood (or likelihood) of the hurt.
March: 275.30
January: 389.45
February: 432.89
The code to be executed is a Java code. Since the For loop used is based on Sale, when the code is complied it will print the output in the order of sale as below:
March: 275.30
January: 389.45
February: 432.89
following are the OSI Layers
1.physical layer
2.datalink layer layer
4.transport layer
5.session layer
6.presentation layer
7.application layer
physical layer is used to transmit media,signal and binary information
datalink layer is used for physical addressing MAC and LLC
network layer is used for path determination and ip
transport layer is for end to end communication and reliability
session layer is for interhost communication
presentation layer is for data representation and encryption
application layer is network process to application
Mechanical engineer may design a gps for a vehicle.
I have attached the answer as an image. I can't upload the file as it requires a licensed product and I only used demo version. I can provide the file too if you can give me your vlsig file required to use full software. However, If you just copy along the images on your Visual Studio, you will easily create the files yourself. Answer is provided for both scenarios as part A and part B, one which stops after 1 iteration and the one which loops until 0 height is given.