a tendril is a specialized stem ,leaf used by climbing trees or plants for support.
a pea tendril - is way smaller than a pumpkin tendril it's thread like structure are narrowly small..
The extra X chromosome is received from mother.
Klinefelter's syndrome is the condition of chromosomal aberration where the person has an extra X chromosome. This means the genotype of the person is 44+XXY and the total chromosome number is 47. This condition is achieved due to inappropriate meiotic division and one of the sperm or ovum has the an extra X chromosome.
Here both the parents are normal in terms of colour vision. So the father cannot have the gene of colour blindness because if it was present, then father would have been colour blind because he has only one X chromosome per cell. So its present in mother who is heterozygous in terms of colour blind gene. So the extra X chromosome also came from her which made the presence of two defective X chromosomes in the offspring and made it colour blind.
Electricity, gravity of earth and structure of atom provide evidence.
The investigation of electricity, gravity of earth and structure of atom helps the student to understand that without touching, one object apply force on another object. In electric current, we can see the property of magnetism due to which it attract and repel objects while in gravity of earth, the earth apply gravitational force to attract objects towards itself. in the structure of atom, proton present in the nucleus which attract the electron present in the shells.
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