Eighty-one thousand two hundred seventy-one.
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Step-by-step explanation:
Slopes are generally the ratio of rise(vertical difference) to fall (horizontal difference) for set of points lying on a straight line
Positive slopes show a positive relationship between the two things we are considering while a negative one shows otherwise
They are the same in the sense that they actually represent a constant change between the coordinates of the points in the relationship we are considering.
They are different in the sense that while one represents a positive change, whereby both axes move in the same direction ( rise at same rate, fall at same rate) , the second represent a relationship in which they move in opposite directions. While one falls, the other rises and while the other rises, the second one falls which indicates an opposing movement type between the two
Sorry but this equation gives me 6x-12=6x-12
Step-by-step explanation:
Hope u don't mind me asking but have u tried it out yet and what did you get???
Is that a negative b4 4x??