Mobashar's situation best exemplifies a hybrid identity.
Hybrid identities are the result of the mixing of cultures. A person growing up in a specific country, still being taught that country's social norms and values, may still be largely influenced by other groups' and nations' cultures as well, becoming a culturally hybrid individual. The mixing of cultures happens faster and more easily now due to advancements in technology and communications. There is no need to physically live in another country to be able to learn and absorb its culture. That is the case with Mobashar. He is culturally hybrid, having embraced different aspects and values as his own.
Honestly i don’t know but society today is wack and other ppl treat others so badly just bc they’re a different skin color or have different ways of doing things. It’s sad
The Correct answer would be that it can take a long time
In order to emphasize the fact that it took a long time, the image shows how long they were in captivity.
for every dollaar a man earns, a woman earns 78 cents