When you are trying to plan for safe exercise goals make sure you are not exercising to much and make sure you are eating and drinking healthy never skip a meal eat 3 times a day and you will be good
An athlete's arousal level refers to
D. the "mind-set" of the athlete in reference to competition and intensity of the exercise or sport.
. Explain the difference between intentional injuries and unintentional injuries, and give examples. ... Explain the term "injury prevention," and give examples of ways to prevent at least ... 3. Define "healthy risk-taking behavior" and "unhealthy risk-taking behavior. ... List five different types of violence, and define each type.
Pancake and waffle mix are not the same. Although they both contain eggs, flour, milk, and a raising agent, waffle batter is normally thicker, contains more sugar, and more fat, like oil or melted butter.
Hopeful this helped
No I don’t love you random person I have never met