Despite his commitment to individual liberties, Madison opposed making inclusion of a bill of rights a precondition for ratification of the Constitution. He also doubted that mere “paper barriers” against violating basic rights were sufficient protection.
The first step in a research model is finding the research question.
Fluid intelligence could be described as adaptive intelligence - it's the intelligence to solve unpredictable problems and find new solutions. It's contrasted with crystallized intelligence - the intelligence to use the knowledge already acquired. I think that this is a very important form of intelligence, and likely the kind of intelligence that emerged through the process of evolution.
The president of Mexico, Santa Anna, was capture the next day. A few weeks later he signed a peace treaty saying Mexico would leave the region. The general Sam Houston became famous. The treaties opened the door for Texan independence.
The reconstruction process didn't work but in my own opinion it was brought about the end of slavery but it didn't end the segregation and inequality....after the era of the reconstruction there were no longer slaves because of rules put in place but it didn't end segregation and inequality