La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La clasificación de los factores productivos quedaría en las siguientes categorías.
Recursos materiales: sierras, martillos, una furgoneta.
Recursos Humanos: carpinteros, un gerente, un contador, un conductor.
Materias primas: hierro, madera.
Capital: $10.000.000.
Una empresa que se jacta de exitosa debe considerar muy bien sus recursos humanos, materiales, materias primas y capital. Estos elementos son las bases de una empresa que es cuidadosa e invierte inteligentemente sus recursos porque sabe que ante la incertidumbre del mercado, necesita contar con lo suficiente y estar prevenida para enfrentar las adversidades.
Answer is C. A leader should analyze a situation before deciding what to do.
Reffering to the proponents of the situational approach by a leader. It should be noted that the behaviors of an excellent and effective leader vary from one situation to another. Analysis of a situation must be first done before what to do.
Many people are very scared that a stronger governent would mean less rights for individuals. States might prefer to decide things like voting laws, drinking/driving ages, or recycling laws by themselves.
The correct answer is: "FICA".
FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act. It establishes a mechanism through which both employers and employees make their contributions and fund the Social Security system and the provision of Medicare benefits.
Such funding is used at a federal level to provide income support to individuals who are retired, who suffer disabilities or, for example, to the families (children) of deceased workers.
Sería un alto riesgo porque pordrían caerse a la muerte mientras lo construyen