The primary function of glucose is to serve as a biological fuel source for the body. All cells of the body are capable of using glucose to generate energy. Through a series of complex biochemical reactions, the breakdown
The Hardy-Weinberg law states that in a sufficiently large population, in which matings occur randomly and that is not subject to mutation, selection or migration, gene and genotypic free frequencies are kept constant from one generation to another, once a state of equilibrium has been reached, which in autosomal loci is reached after one generation.
It is said that a population is in equilibrium when the alleles of the polymorphic systems maintain their frequency in the population throughout the generations.
D. Look for scientific research about whether these claims are correct or not.
Being a Scientific question, the question should be based more on your ability to find out if the jewelry is made of real material (or the material they claim they used). This can be found by finding their sources of material, and checking professional reviews.
in which topic or what is it related to by the way