A Starfish is Triploblastic meaning they consist of three germ layers. Hydra are diploblastic meaning they consist of only 2 germ layers.
Habitat is a place in which organisms live, and niche is the way in which an organism fits into its habitat
Warm front
A warm front is the transition zone of the replacement of a cold air mass by a warm air mass. The pressure centers of warm fronts are usually low and the pressure read by a barometer will decrease due to an incoming warm front
The general direction of motion of warm fronts is from southwest to northeast with warmer and moist air behind the warm front than air into which the front flows. Therefore, warm fronts normally results in moderate precipitation or rainfall or snow.
The key evolutionary development of animals seen for the first time in sponges is that of Multicellularity. A Multicellular organism has a longer lifespan than an unicellular organism and since it has multiple cells, it can perform more functions. Sponges do not have distinct circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems – instead the water flow system supports all these functions.