I believe your answer would be:
1: Open the command prompt window. Do this by clicking the "Start" button, and then selecting "Run." In the window that appears, type "cmd" into the text box and click the "OK" button.
2: Release the computer's current IP address. To do this, type "ipconfig /release" into the command prompt window and press Enter.
3: Acquire a new IP address. Do this by typing "ipconfig /renew" into the command prompt window and pressing Enter. This should assign the computer a new IP address, which will be different from the previous address.
4: Cycle your modem's power. If the above steps don't work, you can try renewing your IP address by cycling your modem's power. Turn off both your computer and your modem (and your router, if you have one). Wait at least 5 minutes, then turn everything back on. If your computer is set to receive an IP address dynamically (the most likely configuration), you should be assigned a new IP address automatically.
5: Check to make sure your IP address has changed. To do this, you can log on to a number of different websites that tell you your IP address.
Hope I helped, if so may I get brainliest and a thanks?
Thank you, Have a good day! =)
Mac OS came out in 2001. This is software that was created by Apple to run the "Mac Computers." This software is still used to this day.
MS-DOS came out in 1981. This is software that was created by Microsoft to run x86 computers. This software is no longer used.
Windows New Technology came out in 1985. This is software that was created by Microsoft to run a ton of different computers. This software is still used to this day.
Windows Vista came out in 2006. This software that was created by Microsoft to run a variety of personal computers. This software is no longer used.
By the information given, Windows Vista was the last to be released.
Best of Luck!
Object-Oriented DBMS.
Like classes in Object oriented programming Object-Oriented DBMS is can store objects.It follows an Object oriented data model with the properties of classes and the properties of Object oriented programming also.Objects can be in the form of complex data types or different data types.