Knowledge of how to manipulate the system
President Lyndon Johnson was able to get passage of the Civil Rights Act through Congress because of his deep experience in the Senate, understanding who to influence and how.
One instance of de facto discrimination was the segregation of interstate buses. The Supreme Court ruled in Morgan v. Virginia in 1946 that such segregation was illegal.
<span>This has been prompted by national governments' belief in massification. Massification is the idea that every single person around the world can be benefited in some way by partaking in higher education. As opposed to the belief that college is not for everyone.</span>
Answer: Entrepreneurs lived in these cities and started businesses there.
Before the massive industrial development in the United States' interior, all major jobs were related to port cities. These are the places where the first colonies were founded, so this is the reason why they developed rapidly. The lack of railway infrastructure in the country's interior is the reason why port cities have developed rapidly. The ports were the center of trade and business, so it was in these places that the first industrial capacities were developed. The companies' owners established their companies near the port because all the necessary raw materials arrived by the ships.